How to Conduct a Comprehensive SEO Audit for Your Website

How to Conduct a Comprehensive SEO Audit for Your Website

Did you know that 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine? It is crucial to optimize your website for search engines in order to drive organic traffic and increase your online visibility. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by conducting a comprehensive SEO audit.

In this section, we will explore the step-by-step process of conducting a thorough SEO audit for your website. We will cover everything from analyzing your website’s performance to identifying areas for improvement using free SEO audit tools.

Important points:

  • Conducting a comprehensive SEO audit is essential for optimizing your website’s performance.
  • An SEO audit helps identify and fix issues that may be hindering your website’s visibility in search engine results.
  • Free SEO audit tools can assist you in analyzing your website’s performance and finding areas for improvement.
  • The SEO audit process involves evaluating various aspects, including website traffic, keyword research, on-page optimization, technical SEO, backlink analysis, content audit, and local SEO.
  • Tracking and monitoring the progress of your SEO efforts is crucial for continuous improvement and achieving long-term success.

Understanding the Importance of SEO Audits

Before diving into the audit process, it’s crucial to understand why SEO audits are essential for your website’s success. Conducting regular SEO audits is a proactive approach to ensure your website is performing optimally and ranking well in search engine results.

An SEO audit allows you to identify any issues that may be hindering your website’s performance, such as technical errors, broken links, or poor keyword targeting. By dealing with these problems, you can enhance your website’s visibility, increase its organic traffic, and improve the overall experience for users.

Additionally, SEO audits help you stay up to date with the ever-evolving search engine algorithms. By staying informed about these changes and implementing the necessary optimizations, you can maintain your website’s competitiveness in the search results.

Another vital aspect of SEO audits is the opportunity to compare your website’s performance with your competitors. By conducting a comparative SEO audit, you can gain valuable insights into your competitor’s strategies and identify areas where you can outperform them.

Regular SEO audits are crucial for maintaining your website’s performance, improving its visibility, and keeping up with the competition. Taking a proactive approach helps you prevent and resolve potential issues that could harm your website’s rankings and traffic.

Setting Clear Goals for Your SEO Audit

Before embarking on an SEO audit journey, it’s essential to set clear goals and objectives. Defining what you want to achieve through the SEO audit will not only bring focus to your efforts, but also help align them with the overall strategy of your website.

Consider the following steps to establish your goals:

  1. Evaluate your current website performance: Assess your existing website metrics to identify areas that need improvement. This could include analyzing organic traffic, bounce rate, conversion rate, and keyword rankings.
  2. Identify pain points and opportunities: Take a thorough analysis into your website’s analytics data to discover any problems or missed opportunities. This could involve examining pages that have low engagement, underperforming keywords, or gaps in content that we can fill to attract more relevant traffic.
  3. Understand your target audience: Research your target audience’s preferences, needs, and behavior to align your goals with their expectations. Knowing your audience will enable you to focus your efforts on the areas that will bring the most value.
  4. Define measurable objectives: Establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives. This could be increasing organic traffic by a certain percentage, improving conversion rates, or enhancing user experience metrics.

By setting clear goals, you create a roadmap for your SEO audit, ensuring that you stay focused on the areas that matter most. Let’s take a look at an example of how you can structure your SEO audit goals:

SEO Audit GoalsMetrics to Monitor
Improve organic trafficOrganic search traffic, keyword rankings
Enhance user experienceBounce rate, average time on page, user engagement
Optimize on-page elementsMeta tags, headings, URL structure
Optimize website speedPage load speed, mobile-friendliness
Identify and fix technical issuesCrawlability, indexability, broken links
Improve backlink profileQuality and quantity of backlinks, toxic backlinks

By aligning your goals with specific metrics, you can easily monitor your progress and make data-driven decisions throughout your SEO audit process.

Analyzing Website Traffic and Performance

To conduct a comprehensive SEO audit, understanding your website’s current traffic and performance metrics is crucial. This section will cover the tools and techniques you can use to analyze your website’s traffic, including evaluating key metrics like organic search traffic, bounce rate, and page load speed.

Evaluating Organic Search Traffic

Organic search traffic is a vital indicator of your website’s visibility in search engine results. By analyzing organic search traffic, you can uncover valuable insights into the effectiveness of your SEO efforts. Here are a few tools that can help you measure and evaluate your organic search traffic:

  • Google Analytics: This free SEO audit tool provides detailed data on your website’s organic search traffic, including the number of visitors, sessions, and pageviews generated through search engines.
  • Ahrefs: With Ahrefs, you can gain in-depth insights into your organic search traffic, including the keywords driving traffic to your website, their rankings, and the competitors ranking for those keywords.

Assessing Bounce Rate

The bounce rate indicates the percentage of visitors who leave your website after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate may suggest that visitors are not finding what they are looking for or that there are issues with your website’s usability. Here are some tools to help you analyze and optimize your bounce rate:

  • Google Analytics: This powerful tool provides detailed bounce rate data, allowing you to identify pages with high bounce rates that may require improvements in content, user experience, or loading speed.
  • Hotjar: Hotjar offers heatmaps and session recordings that provide visual insights into how visitors interact with your website, helping you pinpoint areas of high bounce rates and potential issues.

Evaluating Page Load Speed

The speed at which your web pages load is a critical factor in user experience and search engine rankings. Slow-loading pages can result in higher bounce rates, lower user engagement, and reduced organic search visibility. Here are tools to assess and optimize your website’s page load speed:

  • Google PageSpeed Insights: This free tool analyzes your website’s performance and provides suggestions for improving page load speed, both on desktop and mobile devices.
  • GTmetrix: GTmetrix offers comprehensive reports on your website’s speed performance, including insights into page load time, size, and recommendations for optimization.

By leveraging these SEO audit tools, you can gain valuable insights into your website’s traffic and performance metrics, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your SEO strategy.

SEO Audit Tools for Analyzing Website Traffic and PerformanceKey FeaturesPricing
Google Analytics– Detailed data on organic search traffic- Bounce rate analysisFree
Ahrefs– In-depth insights into organic search traffic and keywords- Competitor analysisStarts at $99/month
Hotjar– Heatmaps and session recordings- User behavior analyticsStarts at $99/month
Google PageSpeed Insights– Performance analysis and optimization suggestions- Desktop and mobile performance evaluationFree
GTmetrix– Detailed reports on page load speed and optimization recommendationsStarts at $14.95/month

Keyword Research and Analysis

Keyword research plays a critical role in driving organic traffic to your website and improving your SEO performance. In this section, we will guide you through the process of conducting comprehensive keyword research and analysis to identify the most valuable keywords for your website.

Why is Keyword Research Important?

Keyword research is the foundation of any successful SEO strategy. By understanding the keywords that your target audience is using to search for products or services related to your business, you can optimize your website’s content and structure to align with their search intent.

Effective keyword research allows you to:

  • Gain insights into your target audience’s search behavior
  • Discover new keyword opportunities
  • Optimize your website’s content and on-page elements
  • Increase your website’s visibility in search engine results

The Process of Conducting Keyword Research

When conducting keyword research, it’s essential to go beyond basic keyword selection and dive deeper into understanding search volume, competition, and user intent. Here’s a step-by-step process to help you conduct effective keyword research:

  1. Identify your target audience: Understand who your ideal customers are, their preferences, and the language they use when searching for products or services that your website offers.
  2. Create a seed list of keywords: Start by brainstorming a list of keywords that are directly relevant to your business. These keywords will serve as the foundation for your research.
  3. Use keyword research tools: Utilize SEO audit tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to expand your keyword list and gather valuable insights into search volume, competition level, and keyword suggestions.
  4. Analyze search intent: Determine the user intent behind each keyword and segment them into categories, such as informational, navigational, or transactional intent. This will help you align your content with the search intent of your target audience.
  5. Evaluate keyword difficulty: Assess the competition level for each keyword by analyzing the domain authority and backlink profile of websites ranking for those keywords. This will provide insights into which keywords are easier or more challenging to rank for.
  6. Refine your keyword list: Based on your analysis, prioritize the keywords that have high search volume, low competition, and strong alignment with your target audience’s search intent.

By following this process, you can identify the most relevant and valuable keywords that will drive targeted organic traffic to your website.

Remember, the goal of keyword research is to find the sweet spot between high search volume and low competition. Focus on targeting keywords that have the potential to bring valuable traffic to your website while optimizing your chances of ranking on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

Keyword Analysis and Selection

KeywordSearch VolumeCompetition LevelAverage CPC
SEO Audit2,000Medium$1.50
Website Audit1,500Low$1.20
Free SEO Audit1,000High$0.90
SEO Audit Tools800High$1.80

Based on the keyword analysis provided in the table above, targeting “Website Audit” and “Free SEO Audit” keywords may present an opportunity due to their relatively lower competition levels and significant search volumes. However, keep in mind that keyword selection should align with your overall SEO and content strategy, taking into account your website’s niche, target audience, and business goals.

Now that you have a better understanding of the importance of keyword research and how to conduct effective keyword analysis, you can proceed to the next step of your SEO audit with valuable insights to optimize your website’s performance.

On-Page Optimization Assessment

On-page optimization is a vital factor for improving your website’s visibility in search engine results. By optimizing various on-page elements, you can enhance your website’s relevance and attract more organic traffic. In this section of our SEO audit guide, we will guide you through assessing and optimizing your website’s on-page elements.

Evaluating Meta Tags

Meta tags provide valuable information to search engines about your website’s content. Assessing and optimizing meta tags is crucial for improving your website’s search engine optimization (SEO). Pay attention to the following meta tags:

  • Title Tag: The title tag is the main headline that appears in search engine results. Ensure it is relevant, keyword-rich, and compelling.
  • Meta Description: The meta description provides a brief summary of your webpage’s content. Craft a compelling and unique meta description to attract users to click on your website.
  • Meta Keywords: Although meta keywords are no longer a significant ranking factor, it’s still important to include relevant keywords for your webpage.

Optimizing Headings and Content

Headings play a crucial role in organizing your webpage’s content and signaling its structure to search engines. Use descriptive headings that include relevant keywords to improve your website’s SEO. Additionally, make sure to structure your content properly with appropriate heading hierarchy (H1, H2, H3, etc.)

When optimizing your content, focus on creating high-quality, informative, and engaging text that incorporates relevant keywords naturally. Avoid keyword stuffing, as it can negatively impact your website’s rankings.

Enhancing URL Structure

A well-optimized URL structure can improve user experience and search engine visibility. Ensure your URLs are descriptive, concise, and contain relevant keywords. Use hyphens to separate words, making them easier to read and understand. A good URL structure enhances user experience and helps search engines identify the relevance of your content.


“Optimizing on-page elements is like providing a roadmap for search engines to understand the relevance of your content.” – Jane Smith, SEO Expert

Key Elements for On-Page Optimization

On-Page ElementDescription
Meta TagsOptimize meta tags such as title tag, meta description, and meta keywords for improved search engine visibility.
HeadingsUse relevant headings (H1, H2, etc.) and incorporate keywords to structure your content and enhance readability.
Content OptimizationCreate high-quality and relevant content with natural keyword incorporation for a better user experience and improved SEO.
URL StructureCreate descriptive and concise URLs with relevant keywords to improve user experience and search engine visibility.

By optimizing these key on-page elements, you can significantly enhance your website’s visibility in search engine results and attract more organic traffic. The next section will explore the importance of technical SEO evaluation.

Technical SEO Evaluation

Technical SEO factors play a crucial role in determining the overall performance of your website in search engine rankings. By evaluating key areas such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, URL structure, and crawlability, you can ensure that your website is optimized for search engines and provides a seamless user experience.

Here are the key areas that you should focus on during the technical SEO evaluation:

Site Speed

Page load speed is a critical factor in user experience and search engine rankings. A slow-loading website can lead to higher bounce rates and lower search engine visibility. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to analyze your site’s speed performance and implement necessary optimizations.


With mobile devices accounting for a significant portion of web traffic, it’s crucial to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly. Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in search engine rankings. Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to assess your website’s mobile responsiveness and make improvements accordingly.

URL Structure

An optimized URL structure helps search engines understand the content and organization of your website. Ensure that your URLs are descriptive, concise, and keyword-rich. Use hyphens to separate words and avoid using numbers or special characters in your URLs.


Search engines use web crawlers to discover and index your webpages. It’s important to ensure that search engine bots can crawl and index your website effectively. Use the robots.txt file to control which pages are accessible and exclude irrelevant pages from being indexed.

By performing a comprehensive technical SEO evaluation, you can identify and resolve any issues that may be affecting your website’s performance in search engine rankings. Implementing optimizations in these key areas will help improve your website’s overall visibility and user experience.

Backlink Analysis

Backlinks play a critical role in enhancing your website’s authority and search engine rankings. Analyzing and evaluating your backlink profile allows you to identify potential toxic backlinks and discover opportunities for acquiring high-quality backlinks. A thorough backlink analysis is essential for optimizing your website’s SEO performance.

The Importance of Backlinks

Backlinks, also known as inbound links, are links from external websites that direct users to your website. They act as a vote of confidence, indicating to search engines that your website is reputable and trustworthy. High-quality backlinks from authoritative websites can significantly impact your website’s search engine rankings, leading to increased organic traffic and visibility.

Conversely, toxic backlinks from low-quality or spammy websites can harm your website’s credibility and rankings. It’s crucial to identify and disavow these toxic backlinks to maintain a healthy backlink profile.

Analyzing Your Backlink Profile

To conduct a comprehensive backlink analysis, you can utilize various SEO audit tools. These tools provide in-depth insights into your backlink profile, including the number of backlinks, referring domains, anchor text distribution, and more.

One popular SEO audit tool for backlink analysis is SEMrush. SEMrush’s Backlink Analytics tool offers comprehensive data on your backlink profile, allowing you to uncover valuable metrics such as domain authority, dofollow and nofollow links, anchor text distribution, and referring domains.

SEO Audit Tools for Backlink AnalysisFeaturesPrice
SEMrush Backlink Analytics– Comprehensive backlink analysis- Domain authority analysis- Anchor text distribution- Referring domains and IPs- Disavow toolStarts at $99.95/month
Ahrefs Site Explorer– In-depth backlink analysis- Competitor analysis- Link intersect feature- Broken link identification- Disavow toolStarts at $99/month
Majestic SEO– Backlink profiling- Trust Flow and Citation Flow analysis- Anchor text analysis- Competitor analysis- Disavow toolStarts at $49.99/month

By utilizing these SEO audit tools, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your backlink profile and make data-driven decisions to improve your website’s overall SEO performance.

Identifying Toxic Backlinks

One crucial aspect of backlink analysis is identifying toxic backlinks that may harm your website’s rankings. Toxic backlinks are links from low-quality websites or those involved in spammy practices. These backlinks can negatively impact your website’s credibility and organic search visibility.

When analyzing your backlink profile, look for the following signs of toxic backlinks:

  • Links from irrelevant or unrelated websites
  • Links from websites with low domain authority or spammy content
  • Links from websites involved in link schemes or paid link networks
  • Links with over-optimized anchor text or keyword stuffing

Identifying and disavowing toxic backlinks is crucial for maintaining a healthy backlink profile and safeguarding your website’s SEO performance.

Acquiring High-Quality Backlinks

In addition to analyzing your existing backlink profile, it’s essential to actively seek opportunities for acquiring high-quality backlinks. High-quality backlinks from authoritative websites can significantly boost your website’s SEO performance.

Here are some strategies to acquire high-quality backlinks:

  1. Create high-quality, informative content that naturally attracts backlinks
  2. Guest blog on reputable websites in your industry
  3. Engage in influencer marketing and obtain backlinks from influential individuals in your niche
  4. Participate in industry-related forums and communities, including your website link in your profile

By actively pursuing high-quality backlinks, you can enhance your website’s authority and improve its search engine rankings, driving more organic traffic and potential customers to your website.

Content Audit and Optimization

The content on your website plays a crucial role in attracting and engaging visitors. Conducting a content audit is essential to ensure that your content aligns with your SEO goals and provides value to your audience. In this section, we will guide you through the process of conducting a thorough content audit and optimizing your existing content for improved SEO performance.

Evaluating Content Quality and Relevance

Start by evaluating the quality and relevance of your existing content. Take a close look at each page and assess its value to your target audience. Is the content accurate, up-to-date, and well-written? Does it provide the information your audience is looking for? Use keyword research to identify gaps in your content and find opportunities to better address your audience’s needs.

Identifying Content Gaps and Opportunities

Next, identify any content gaps or opportunities that may exist on your website. Look for topics or keywords that are relevant to your industry but haven’t been covered extensively on your site. By addressing these gaps, you can attract more organic traffic and establish your website as a valuable resource in your niche.

Optimizing Existing Content

Optimizing your existing content is crucial to improve its visibility in search engine rankings. Ensure that your pages have relevant meta tags, including title tags and meta descriptions, that accurately describe the content. Also, optimize your headings, URL structure, and image alt tags to align them with your target keywords. Additionally, consider adding internal links to relevant pages on your site to improve navigation and SEO.

Creating Fresh and Engaging Content

Lastly, don’t forget the importance of creating fresh and engaging content. Regularly publish new blog posts, articles, or other types of content that provide value to your audience. Use your keyword research to identify trending topics or frequently asked questions in your industry. By consistently producing high-quality content, you can attract more visitors to your site and establish yourself as an authoritative source.

Remember, conducting a content audit and optimizing your website’s content is an ongoing process. Continuously monitor your content’s performance and make updates as needed to ensure that it remains relevant and valuable to your audience.

Local SEO Audit

If your business serves a local audience, optimizing your website for local SEO is essential. This section will walk you through the process of conducting a local SEO audit, ensuring that your online presence aligns with your local customers’ needs.

Optimizing Your Google My Business Profile

Your Google My Business (GMB) profile is a vital tool for local SEO. This h3 section will guide you on how to optimize your GMB listing, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information, such as your business name, address, phone number, and website URL. We will also explore techniques to enhance your GMB description and select relevant categories to improve local visibility.

Generating Local Citations

Building local citations is crucial for boosting your local search rankings. In this h3 section, you’ll learn the importance of consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) information across various online directories and local listing platforms. We’ll provide strategies for obtaining high-quality local citations and managing your business information efficiently.

Managing Online Reviews

Online reviews significantly impact your local reputation and search engine rankings. This h3 section will highlight the importance of actively managing online reviews and guide you on how to respond to both positive and negative feedback. You’ll learn effective techniques for generating positive reviews and leveraging customer testimonials to enhance your local SEO efforts.

By conducting a local SEO audit and implementing optimization strategies for your Google My Business profile, generating local citations, and managing online reviews, you’ll position your business to dominate local search results and attract more customers from your target market.

Tracking and Monitoring SEO Progress

After implementing the necessary changes based on your SEO audit, it’s crucial to track and monitor your website’s progress. By monitoring the effectiveness of your SEO efforts, you can identify areas of improvement and make adjustments as needed. This section will explore the tracking tools and techniques you can use to measure the impact of your SEO strategies and ensure ongoing success.

Tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) is essential in evaluating the success of your SEO campaigns. Here are some important KPIs to consider:

  • Organic Search Traffic: Monitor the amount of organic traffic your website receives from search engines. Increased organic traffic indicates improved visibility and rankings.
  • Keyword Rankings: Keep track of the positions of your target keywords in search engine results. Monitor any improvements or decline in rankings.
  • Conversion Rate: Measure the percentage of visitors who take desired actions on your website, such as making a purchase or filling out a contact form. A higher conversion rate signifies effective SEO optimization.
  • Bounce Rate: Monitor the percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing only one page. A lower bounce rate indicates engaging and relevant content.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a powerful SEO tracking tool that provides valuable insights into your website’s performance. It allows you to track various metrics, such as traffic sources, user demographics, and behavior. By integrating Google Analytics with your website, you can access detailed reports on your SEO progress and make data-driven decisions.

“Google Analytics is an invaluable tool for tracking and measuring the success of your SEO efforts. It provides a wealth of data and insights to help you understand your audience, their behavior, and the impact of your optimization strategies. By regularly reviewing and analyzing this data, you can identify trends, make informed decisions, and continuously improve your website’s performance.” – SEO Expert

Rank Tracking Tools

Rank tracking tools are essential for monitoring keyword rankings and tracking your website’s visibility in search engine results. These tools allow you to track your progress over time and compare your rankings with competitors. Some popular rank tracking tools include:

Rank Tracking ToolsFeatures
AhrefsKeyword tracking, competitor analysis, backlink analysis
SemrushKeyword tracking, site audit, competitor research
MozKeyword tracking, site audit, link building analysis

These tools provide comprehensive data on keyword rankings, allowing you to identify opportunities for improvement and track your progress accurately.

Ongoing SEO Monitoring

SEO is an ongoing process, and it’s important to continuously monitor your website’s performance. Regularly analyzing and reviewing your SEO metrics will help you stay ahead of the competition and make necessary adjustments. Make it a habit to check your analytics, rank tracking reports, and other SEO tools to ensure your strategies are delivering the desired results.

By actively tracking and monitoring your SEO progress, you’ll be able to optimize your website’s performance, drive more organic traffic, and achieve better visibility in search engine rankings.


In conclusion, conducting a comprehensive SEO audit is an integral part of optimizing your website’s performance. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this guide and utilizing free SEO audit tools, you can uncover areas for improvement and unlock your Digital Marketing for website’s full potential in search engine rankings.

During the audit, you have learned the importance of analyzing website traffic and performance, conducting keyword research and analysis, assessing on-page optimization, evaluating technical SEO factors, analyzing backlinks, auditing and optimizing your website’s content, and conducting a local SEO audit if applicable.

By taking the time to conduct an SEO audit and implementing the necessary changes, you can ensure that your website is search engine-friendly, provides a great user experience, and boosts its visibility in organic search results. Remember, SEO is an ongoing process, so continue to track and monitor your progress to maintain and improve your website’s performance.


How do I conduct a comprehensive SEO audit for my website?

To conduct a comprehensive SEO audit for your website, follow these steps: 

1. Start by analyzing your website’s performance metrics, such as organic search traffic, bounce rate, and page load speed. 

2. Conduct keyword research and analysis to identify the most relevant and valuable keywords for your website. 

3. Assess your website’s on-page optimization elements, including meta tags, headings, URL structure, and content optimization. 

4. Evaluate technical SEO factors, such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, URL structure, and crawlability. 

5. Analyze your backlink profile, identifying toxic backlinks and opportunities for acquiring high-quality backlinks. 

6. Conduct a content audit, identifying content gaps and opportunities for optimization. 

7. If you serve a local audience, perform a local SEO audit, optimizing your Google My Business profile and generating local citations. 

8. Track and monitor your SEO progress using tools and techniques to measure the effectiveness of your efforts. By following these steps and utilizing free SEO audit tools, you can identify areas for improvement and enhance your website’s performance in search engine rankings.

Why are SEO audits important for my website?

SEO audits are crucial for your website’s success because they help identify and fix issues that may be hindering your website’s performance. Regular SEO audits allow you to: 

1. Understand your website’s current traffic and performance metrics. 

2. Identify the most relevant and valuable keywords for your website. 

3. Optimize your website’s on-page elements for improved visibility in search engine results. 

4. Evaluate technical SEO factors that can impact your website’s performance. 

5. Analyze and improve your backlink profile for enhanced authority and rankings. 

6. Conduct a content audit to identify gaps and opportunities for optimization. 

7. Optimize your website for local SEO if you serve a local audience. 

8. Track and monitor the progress of your SEO efforts to make adjustments as needed. By performing SEO audits, you can optimize your website, attract more organic traffic, and improve your rankings on search engine results pages.

How do I set clear goals for my SEO audit?

To set clear goals for your SEO audit, follow these steps: 

1. Define what you want to achieve through the SEO audit. This could include increasing organic traffic, improving keyword rankings, or enhancing website performance. 

2. Align your goals with the overall strategy of your website and business. 

3. Break down your goals into specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives. 

4. Prioritize your goals based on their importance and potential impact on your website’s performance. 

5. Communicate your goals and objectives to your team or stakeholders to ensure everyone is working towards the same objectives. Setting clear goals for your SEO audit will help guide your efforts and ensure that you focus on improving the areas that matter most to your website’s success.